Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday - Full team and new job

Our last team member arrived at 7:30 this morning.  He had been vacationing in Asia and joined us at the end of his trip.  So now we are 9... and complete.

The rain finally stopped this morning so we started a new project that was supposed to be started yesterday - building a cement and brick wall around a church about 25 miles south of Pattaya... and paint part of the church.  The great thing was that there were many members of the church there working as well.  We really had a good time working together in spite of the fact that we couldn't talk to each other - but that didn't prevent us from understanding each other.

We got quite a bit done on the wall and the primer on the outside and inside of the kitchen... which is a separate building from the church, connected by a "breezeway" - cement floor and tin roof" which is their fellowship hall and our dining area.  The members of the church made a huge Thai lunch for us and we all enjoyed eating together.  later in the afternoon they provided a snack typical of their culture - looked like lettuce with eyeballs in it!  Actually it was balls of chopped peanuts made into a ball with some kind of jellatin stuff!  It didn't matter whether it was good or bad, we were delighted to share their culture with them!

When it was time to leave, the pastor offered a heartfelt prayer thanking God for us, especially since they thought we were going to be a youth group (LOL) and how inspired they were by us since their "old people" stay at home!  Ha!  We're trying to take that as a compliment!!  When we first arrived today, they told the men they could go and carry cement blocks and the women could paint...... well every last one of these Methodist women got up and went to carry cement blocks!

What a great day!

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