Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday - final workday

The final day is always so hard. By now we've gotten to know the Thai people we've been working with and it's hard to say goodbye. We had a good day of work.... putting a cement plaster finish on the wall we built, and finishing painting the kitchen. And a new project - laying tile on the kitchen floor,... which we didn't get done. The will finish that one up. The tile floor is being laid with about 2 inches of cement under it. That makes it hard to keep level and so was taking quite a bit longer than it would normally.

Another great lunch and ice cream for a snack in the afternoon! What's a workteam without ice cream! And then late afternoon we had to say good bye to good friends. We gave them gifts and they gave us gifts and thank us profusely and asked if we were coming back next year. Then we took lots of pictures - group pic, pictures of each of us with new friends. It was hard leaving knowing that we would probably never see them again. But as we told them, we will always keep them in our hearts and pray for them and their church and they said they would be praying for us as well. And we said good bye.

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