Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday - a day filled with the love of God... from blankets to friendships

Well, like most mission teams, each day just gets better and better - and this day was no exception. We began the day by going back to Blessing Home to give the children the little bags of "goodies" that we brought for them - crayons, toothbrush and paste, paper, a piece of gum, stickers and a few other items. Thanks to Patsy Kutz we had 50 little bags provided by her dentist! But first, we gave out the blankets made by Stephanie's Small Comforts. Each child picked out the special one they wanted and this blanket was theirs to keep and take home with them - something pretty rare and special for them. They were so quiet and shy - completely overwhelmed with being given something. They hugged them, some put them on their heads, all smiled in disbelief. To Peggy and the ladies at First Church, known as The Comforters, thank you for sending the blankets - you will never know how very much it has meant to these children. The children also loved their little bags and were so excited to open them and explore what was in them. We had extra items to give to the teachers to use with the children. All were so grateful, excited and we were all wrapped in the love of God.

We went back to the church project then and continued building walls and painting. Today we interacted even more with the Thai people as we learned how to say "hammer" in Thai and thought them how to say it in English. We worked all day at learning each others names and that's not easy when their names are nothing like you've ever heard anywhere! (I'm sure they felt the same about our names!). We laughed alot and felt a special camaraderie that comes from working together in the name of Christ. "Brothers and sisters in Christ" always takes on a special meaning when you are in another country working with fellow Christians. Once again we had an extravagant lunch and afternoon snack.... way more than we could ever eat. Their hospitality has been incredible and yet they think WE are incredible! lol

I know there are those who think we are here on some kind of vacation but I wish those people could see us today! It was sooooo hot and soooooo humid and I don't know when I've ever sweated more. By afternoon we had so many gnats swarming around us - it was pretty miserable. It's no vacation! And yet, we are having the best time ever, we are totally blessed by our experiences here. We realize how much we take for granted at home and how much Christians suffer in other parts of the world. We are grateful to be here.

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